Guide to Making Amends in Addiction Recovery: Step 9 of AA

Guide to Making Amends in Addiction Recovery: Step 9 of AA

what is a living amends

Instead, try to reference specific times when you hurt the other person and/or let them down. Being specific also makes the amends that you offer more achievable. You may not be able to rectify “everything” you’ve done to the other person, but you can repair specific wrongs. Before living amends approaching Step 9, you need to complete the inventory in Step 8. This is a list of all of the people in your life whom you believe you have harmed. It can be a challenging list to write, even for those who want to embrace forgiveness and inner peace—but the list is important.

  • When my husband misses a turn because he’s in the wrong lane, I say nothing.
  • Often, in our experience, when you get stuck in the amends process, it is due to getting inside your head, and imagining outcomes or otherwise succumbing to doubt.
  • Our scholarships give individuals the chance to invest in their long-term recovery through the sober living programs we partner with.
  • However, in the context of grief recovery, David Kessler, in his book Finding Meaning, talks about the importance of living amends as a tool for grief healing.

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But what happens when the person you need to make amends with dies before you’re able to apologize and change your ways? Unfortunately, this scenario plays out much too often in the lives of people who didn’t get a chance to correct their mistakes and past behaviors in time. I’m sure you’ve heard that the steps are written in a specific order for a reason.

What is making amends in addiction recovery?

When you make living amends, you make genuine changes to support your emotional and physical sobriety. In doing so, you promise to live a sober and honest life and never return to your old ways of lying and hurting the people you love the most. State how you are taking personal responsibility for the hurt you’ve caused. Making amends means apologizing but also goes one step further—doing everything in your power to repair the damage, restore the relationship, and/or, replace what you took. If you’re writing a letter, whether sending or sharing it in person, spend some time reflecting on and sharing the actions you’re taking to redress the wrong(s) done.

  • The fees for the advice of an attorney should not be compared to the fees of do-it-yourself online forms.
  • In these cases, they make promises of cleaning up their act and changing their behaviors to their loved ones just before they die.
  • We may be in recovery, but our family members may not be able to trust that it’s permanent or sincere.
  • Allowing others the dignity to live their lives in their own way.
  • We’ve had a spiritual awakening, and we suddenly want to fit as much as possible into each day—and we want to quickly repair all the harm we caused during active addiction.

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As relates to your addiction, this means compensating those that your addiction has hurt. In order to truly understand this concept, it is important to really understand the steps involved, and how it helps to complete them. Suddenly your spinning around things you feel guilty for.

Restoration means bringing something back to its former state, usually things that have been damaged. This can mean restoring our reputations, and even restoring trust in a relationship. Indirect Amends – finding ways to repair damage that cannot be reversed or undone by doing things like volunteering and helping others.

what is a living amends

what is a living amends

In the making of an amend, be prepared for a variety of reactions including acceptance, indifference, or even outright hostility. It’s definitely central to respect the desires of individuals who opt out and to concentrate on your recovery, rather than on achieving forgiveness or easing personal guilt. All types of amends are good, but living amends are some of the best kinds you can make! They affirm your decision to make lifelong changes, which has a positive effect on both you and everyone around you. Step Nine states that we make amends «except when to do so would injure them or others.» We don’t want our actions to cause further damage, harm or stress.

what is a living amends

what is a living amends

Maybe they are guarding their heart because they are afraid we might relapse or say something hurtful. Making amends is one of the most important parts of 12 step programs. So much so, in fact, that there are two steps dedicated to it. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines amends as “compensation for a loss or injury”.

  • That might not be so tricky if the person were still alive.
  • When making an AA amendment, it’s important to apologize sincerely, be humble, accept responsibility for your actions, admit fault, change your behavior, and make an effort to rebuild trust.
  • She came home to what she described as “a completely different house”.
  • On the opposite side of the street are those individuals who simply say, “All of my amends would hurt people.

what is a living amends

We may want our children and families to love, accept and forgive us, but we shouldn’t confuse our wants with our needs. The process of making amends is not about us fixing everything—that comes in time and from going to meetings, attending to our recovery and cultivating a relationship to a Higher Power. David Kessler discusses a living amends in his latest book, Finding Meaning. In his book he shares the situation of a woman who has a fight with her brother. Though he calls her following the argument, she doesn’t answer.

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